

Personal Training

60 Minute Sessions:

1 Session - $90 / $90 per session

4 Sessions - $350 / $87.50 session

8 Sessions - $680 / $85 per session

12 Sessions - $960 / $80 per session

45 Minute Sessions:

1 Session - $80 / $80 per session

4 Sessions - $310 / $77.50 session

8 Sessions - $600 / $75 per session

12 Sessions - $840 / $70 per session

30 Minute Sessions:

1 Session - $65 / $65 per session

4 Sessions - $250 / $62.50 session

8 Sessions - $480 / $60 per session

12 Sessions - $660 / $55 per session


Buddy Training

-Prices Listed Below are Per Person-

60 Minute Sessions:

1 Session - $65 / $65 per session

4 Sessions - $250 / $62.50 session

8 Sessions - $480 / $60 per session

12 Sessions - $660 / $55 per session

45 Minute Sessions:

1 Session - $55 / $55 per session

4 Sessions - $210 / $52.50 session

8 Sessions - $400 / $50 per session

12 Sessions - $540 / $45 per session

30 Minute Sessions:

1 Session - $45 / $45 per session

4 Sessions - $170 / $42.50 session

8 Sessions - $320 / $40 per session

12 Sessions - $420 / $35 per session

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Small Group Training Classes

I offer a 12 Week Session for Moore Strength. The cost for the 12 week class listed below is $225.

Mondays 9:00am-9:45am >>> Moore Strength

I offer a 12 Week Session for Core Fit. The cost for each 12 week class listed below is $180 or you can sign up for both classes for $330.

Mondays >>> 10:00am-10:30am

Wednesdays >>> 9:00am-9:30am

**If you would like to join one of these classes please email me so you can get started!

I also offer a one-time drop-in fee for classes if you prefer that. However, I encourage the 12 Week Session model as it helps you maintain consistency and achieve your goals, all at a much lower price-point.

Drop In Fee: $25 for 1 class // $90 for 4 classes